Our Mission Statement

The Anna Freud Foundation, a tax-exempt organization, was established in 1953 by Dora Hartmann, Ruth Eissler, and Edith B. Jackson. The Foundation awards grants to applicants with proposals that are congruent with its mission, which is to promote psychoanalytic theory and practice, especially those stimulated by Anna Freud.

Recipient of the 2024 Award of Excellence

This award is given by the Association for Child Psychoanalysis to a center or program exemplifying the highest level of service, training, outreach, or research associated with the profession of Child Psychoanalysis. It recognizes The Anna Freud Foundation’s mission which has demonstrated so vividly the power of funding mental health services promoting psychoanalytic theory and practice. It has been instrumental in bringing child analytic treatment, education, and research globally.

Grant Application

Proposals should be submitted according to the following guidelines:

1. Abstract of the proposed project:

Provide a summary of the proposed project which should include its significance for psychoanalysis generally or child analysis in particular.

2. Specific aims of the project:

State the goals of the project and the anticipated outcomes. Please include how the hoped-for results will influence the field. How will the project be carried out? What strategies will be utilized?

3. Importance of the proposal:

Why is this project of significance to the promotion of psychoanalysis or of child analysis? For example, will its fruition culminate in a fresh way of tackling an obstacle to progress in the field? How will our scientific knowledge or practice be furthered? Will your organization or practice be enriched and if so, in what ways?

4. Other sources of funding:

Provide the names of other sources of funding for your initiative and how much you are receiving from them.

5. Monies requested:

State how much you wish to receive from the AFF and how the monies would be used and distributed.

6. Interview with AFF board members:

In order to obtain a clearer picture of the proposal, the board may request an in-person (or via a virtual platform) presentation so that the prospective grantee can engage with the board directly and respond to questions.
The prospective grantee should be aware that if awarded a grant, an annual follow-up report is expected for as many years as the project is ongoing. The narrative should include how the project is progressing in keeping with its stated aims. If the project is of a clinical nature that involves analytic treatment, the details of the work need to be elucidated in such a way that permits a clear and vivid explication of its progression or the impediments that stand in the way. The president of the foundation will also discuss with grantees whether additional requirements are necessary, as each proposal will have different goals which may need tailored reportage.

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